Sell & Pawn your Gold Bullion or Silver Bullion

pawn gold bullion pawn silver bullion pawnbrokers brisbane

How Do Gold Bullion & Silver Bullion Loans Work?

Pawn Brokers Brisbane offers both short-term and long-term loans on your bullion. PBB accepts various types of bullion, including cast and minted bars as well as bullion coins. Our expert staff will assess your gold and silver bullion and provide an immediate cash valuation on the spot.

PBB provides high-security storage, so your loaned bullion is safe with us, ensuring your loan is stress-free and worry-free.

How Does The Process To Sell Gold Bullion & Sell Silver Bullion Work?

If you need to sell gold or silver bullion, we offer instant cash on the spot. Our process is simple and no appointments are needed. Come visit us today at our Brisbane CBD or Annerley store.

We offer the best payment rates in Brisbane for silver and gold. Our staff are trained to test bullion using the latest XRF scanning technology to correctly assess and value your bullion.

With our competitive bullion rates we ensure you receive the highest payments possible for your requirements. Whether you choose to loan or sell for cash, you can put it towards a car deposit, house deposit, business plan, or the holiday you've been needing.

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    Bullion Pawn Loans on the spot fast and simple.

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    No appointments simply walk in during business hours.

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    Extend your bullion loan monthly or sell your bullion on the spot.

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    2 Options: Loans (Short Term or Long Term) or Instant Sell For Cash